Vladimir Batagelj
List of publications on data analysis
Batagelj V.:
Note on ultrametric hierarchical clustering algorithms.
Psychometrika, 46(1981)3, 351-352.
Batagelj V.:
Dissimilarity measures and clustering.
III Conference on Applied Mathematics, Institute of
mathematics, Novi Sad 1982, 1-12. (in Slovene).
Ferligoj A., Batagelj V.:
Clustering with relational constraint.
Psychometrika, 47(1982)4, 413-426.
Ferligoj A., Batagelj V.:
Some types of clustering with relational constraints.
Psychometrika, 48(1983)4, 541-552.
Batagelj V.:
Notes on the dynamic clusters method.
IV conference on applied mathematics, Split, May 28-30, 1984.
University of Split, Split 1985, 139-146.
Batagelj V.:
Algorithmic aspects of clustering problem. (invited talk)
Proceedings of the 7 th International Symposium "Computer at the
University", Cavtat 27-29.5.1985, SRCE, Zagreb 1985.
Batagelj V.:
On the adding clustering algorithms.
(COMPSTAT 86, Short communications and posters), Dipartimento
di Statistica Probabilita e Statistiche Applicate, Universita "La
Sapienza", Roma, 1986, 29-30.
Batagelj V.:
Generalized Ward and related clustering problems.
(H.H. Bock, ed.: Classification and related methods of data analysis),
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988, p. 67-74.
Rajkovič V., Bohanec M., Batagelj V.:
Knowledge Engineering Techniques for Utility Identification.
Acta Psychologica 68(1988), 271-286.
Batagelj V.:
Similarity measures between structured objects.
Proceedings of International Course and Conference on
the Interfaces between Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Science,
Dubrovnik, 20-25 June 1988, A. Graovac (Ed.). Studies in Physical
and Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. 63;
Elsevier/Noth-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989, p. 25-40.
Košmelj K., Batagelj V.:
Cross-sectional approach for clustering time varying data.
Journal of Classification 7(1990), pp. 99-109.
Batagelj V., Ferligoj A.:
Agglomerative Hierarchical Multicriteria Clustering Using
Decision Rules.
9th Symposium COMPSTAT, Dubrovnikm September 1990, K. Momirović,
V. Mildner (Eds.), Proceedings in Computational Statistics,
Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1990, p. 15-20.
Batagelj V.:
Dissimilarities Between Structured Objects -- Fragments.
Invited lecture.
(E. Diday, Y. Lechevallier ed.:
Proceedings of the Conference Symbolic-numeric Data Analysis and
Learning, Versailles, France, September 18-20, 1991) Nova Science
Publishers, New York 1991, 255-262.
Fabič-Petrač I., Jerman-Blažič B., Batagelj V.:
Study of Computation, Relatedness and Activity Prediction
of Topological Indices.
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
8(1991), 121-134.
Ferligoj A., Batagelj V.:
Direct Multicriteria Clustering Algorithms.
Journal of Classification 9(1992)1, 43-61.
Batagelj V., Ferligoj A., Doreian P.:
Direct and Indirect Methods for Structural Equivalence.
Social Networks 14(1992), 63-90.
Batagelj V., Doreian P., Ferligoj A.:
An Optimizational Approach to Regular Equivalence.
Social Networks 14(1992), 121-135.
Batagelj V., Pisanski T., Keržič D.:
Automatic Clustering of Languages.
Computational Lingustics 18(1992)3, 339-352.
Batagelj V., Korenjak-Černe S., Sandi Klavžar:
Dynamic Programming and Convex Clustering.
Algorithmica 11(1994), 93-103.
Keržič D., Jerman-Blažič B., Batagelj V.:
Comparison of three Different Approaches to Property Prediction
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences.
34(1994), 391-394.
Ferligoj A., Batagelj V., Doreian P.:
On connecting network analysis and cluster analysis.
In: G.H. Fischer
and D. Laming (Eds.): Contributions to Mathematical Psychology,
Psychometrics, and Methodology.
Springer Verlag, New York 1994, p. 323-338.
Batagelj V.:
Semirings for Social Networks Analysis.
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 19(1994)1, 53-68.
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Doreian P., Batagelj V., Ferligoj A.:
Partitioning networks based on generalized concepts of equivalence.
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 19(1994)1, 1-27.
Batagelj V., Bren M.:
Comparing Resemblance Measures.
Journal of Classification 12(1995)1, 73-90.
Batagelj V.:
Norms and Distances over Finite Groups.
Journal of Combinatorics, Informatics & System Sciences
20(1995)1-4, 243-252.
Batagelj V., Bren M.:
Determining the Distance Index.
In: E. Diday, Y. Lechevallier, O. Opitz (Eds.):
Ordinal and Symbolic Data Analysis.
Springer, Berlin 1996, p. 238-251.
Batagelj V.:
Notes on blockmodeling.
Social Networks 19(1997), 143-155.
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- Korenjak-Černe S., Batagelj V.:
Clustering Large Datasets of Mixed Units.
IFCS'98, Rome, 1998.
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- Batagelj V., Ferligoj A.:
Constrained Clustering Problems.
IFCS'98, Rome, 1998.
- White D.R., Batagelj V., Mrvar A.:
Analyzing Large Kinship and Marriage Networks with
Pgraph and Pajek.
Social Science Computer Review, 17(1999)3, p. 245-274.
- Batagelj V., Mrvar A., Zaveršnik M.:
Partitioning Approach to Visualization of Large Graphs.
Kratochvil, J. (Ed.) Graph Drawing. 7th International Symposium, GD'99,
Stirin Castle, Czech Republic, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1731.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg 1999, p. 90-97.
Batagelj V., Ferligoj A., Doreian P.:
Generalized Blockmodeling.
Informatica, 23(1999), 501-506.
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Batagelj V., A. Mrvar:
Some Analyses of Erdős Collaboration Graph.
Social Networks 22(2000), 173-186.
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Doreian P., Batagelj V., Ferligoj A.:
Symmetric-Acyclic Decompositions of Networks.
Journal of Classification, 17(2000)1, 3-28.
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Mrvar A., Batagelj V.:
Relational Calculator - a tool for analyzing social networks .
Metodološki zvezki 16, FDV, Ljubljana, 2000, 63-76.
Batagelj V., Ferligoj A.:
Clustering relational data.
Data Analysis (ed.: W. Gaul, O. Opitz, M. Schader), Springer, Berlin
2000, 3-15.
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Batagelj V., Mrvar A.:
A subquadratic triad census algorithm for large sparse
networks with small maximum degree.
Social Networks 23(2001), 237-243.
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Dremelj P., Mrvar A., Batagelj V.:
Analiza rodoslova dubrovačkog vlasteoskog kruga pomoċu programa Pajek.
Anali Dubrovnik XL, HAZU, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, 2002, 105-126.
- Korenjak-Černe S., Batagelj V.:
Symbolic Data Analysis Approach to Clustering Large Datasets.
Jajuga etal. eds.: Classification, Clustering and Data Analysis.
IFCS'02, Cracow, 2002. Springer, Berlin 2002, p. 319-327.
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- Batagelj V., Mrvar A., Zaveršnik M.:
Network analysis of dictionaries.
Jezikovne tehnologije / Language Technologies,
T. Erjavec, J. Gros eds., Ljubljana 2002, p. 135-142.
- Batagelj V., Mrvar A., Zaveršnik M.:
Network Analysis of Texts.
Jezikovne tehnologije / Language Technologies,
T. Erjavec, J. Gros eds., Ljubljana 2002, p. 143-148.
- Batagelj V., Mrvar A.: Pajek - Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks.
in Jünger, M., Mutzel, P., (Eds.) Graph Drawing Software.
Berlin 2003. p. 77-103
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Doreian P., Batagelj V., Ferligoj A.:
Generalized blockmodeling of two-mode network data.
Social Networks 26(2004), 29-53.
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Doreian P., Batagelj V., Ferligoj A.:
Generalized Blockmodeling,
CUP, November 2004.
W. de Nooy, A. Mrvar, V. Batagelj:
Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek,
CUP, January 2005.
- Batagelj V., Brandes U.:
Efficient Generation of Large Random Networks.
Physical Review E 71, 036113, 2005.
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