Vladimir Batagelj
List of publications in computer science and education
Batagelj V.:
The quadratic hash method when the table size is not a prime number.
Communications of the association for computing machinery
18(1975)4, 216-217.
Batagelj V.:
On the balanced divide and conquer equation.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 19(1986), 259-266.
Batagelj V. &: Z računalnikom v matematiko.
Zbirka Računalniška Obzorja, DZS, Ljubljana 1987.
Batagelj V., Dolenc T., Martinec M., Mohar B., Reinhardt R., Tvrdy I.,
Vitek A.:
Enajsta šola računalništva, Rešene naloge z republiških
tekmovanj, 1977-1987. Knjižnica Sigma 44, DMFA RS, ZOTKS,
Ljubljana, 1988.
Batagelj V., Golli B.:
TeX, Povabilo v TeX, LaTeX, BibTeX, PiCTeX.
DMFA RS, Ljubljana 1990.
Batagelj V., Grobelnik M., Zupanič M.:
The Design of LogoS.
(E. Calabrese ed.: Proceedings of the Third European
Logo Confrence, Parma, Italy, 27-30 August 1991) A.S.I., Parma
1991, 287-296.
Vitek A., Tvrdy I., Reinhardt R., Mohar B., Martinec M., Dolenc T.,
Batagelj V.:
Problems in programming, Experience through practice.
Wiley, Chicester 1991.
Batagelj V.:
Ferdinand in logo, zapiski.
Priloga reviji Čarobna nit, ZRSŠ, Ljubljana 1991.
Batagelj V.:
PRFOKS -- authoring system based on Logo.
Proceedings of the Fourth European Logo Conference, EuroLogo'93,
University of Athens, 28-31 August 1993, P. Georgiadis, G. Gyftodimos,
Y. Kotsanits, C. Kynigos (editors). Doukas School S.A., Athens 1993,
p. 213-221.
Batagelj V.:
Combining TeX and Postscript.
Proceedings of Eighth European TeX Conference, September 26-30, 1994,
Gdansk, Poland, p. 83-90.
Updated version, march 1995; Maps #14 (95.1), Nederlandstalige
TeX Gebruikersgroep, p. 40-46.
Batagelj V.:
Logo to Postscript.
in Proceedings of Eurologo'97 (M. Turcsanyi-Szabo, ed.),
Sixth European Logo Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 20-23 August 1997,
Budapest, 1997, p. 333-341.
Batagelj V.:
Drawing Space-filling Curves in Logo.
in Proceedings of Eurologo'97 (M. Turcsanyi-Szabo, ed.),
Sixth European Logo Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 20-23 August 1997,
Budapest, 1997, p. 342-350.
Batagelj V.:
Programska podpora omrežnih izobraževalnih storitev, p. 164-169 /
Software support of educational network services, p. 170-174.
Vzgoja za medije in z mediji, zbornik Mednarodne konference, Piran, maj 1997.
Ana Nuša Dragan ed., Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, Ljubljana 1998.