
Methodology and Statistics

International Conference, 7. - 9. September 1998
Hotel Bor and Castle Hrib, Preddvor, Slovenia


SUNDAY, September 6, 1998
9.30 Bus Departure to the Lake Bled and the Vintgar Gorge
15.00 - 17.00 Meeting of the IRMCS Group
18.00 - 19.00 Registration in Castle Hrib

MONDAY, September 7, 1998
8.00 -- 9.00 Registration in Castle Hrib
9.15 Opening of the Conference
9.30 INVITED ADDRESS         Chair: A. Ferligoj
Fitting Feature Graphs to Proximity Data
Willem J. Heiser
10.30 BREAK
11.00 Network Analysis         Chair: W.J. Heiser
Reducing the Number of Measuring Points in an Observation Well Network
Gerhard Neubauer and Klemens Fuchs
Acyclic Blockmodels with Symmetric Positions
Patrick Doreian, Vladimir Batagelj, and Anuška Ferligoj
Clustering in Large Networks
Vladimir Batagelj and Matjaž Zaveršnik
Analysis and Visualization of Genealogies Using Program Package Pajek
Andrej Mrvar and Vladimir Batagelj
13.00 LUNCH
14.30 Data Analysis         Chair: M. Hussain
Beyond the Metric Index of Dissimilarities Between Binary Vectors
Matevž Bren and Vladimir Batagelj
Clustering Large Datasets of Mixed Units
Simona Korenjak-Černe and Vladimir Batagelj
Segmentation of Retail Bank Market
Igor Horvat, Jože Rovan, and Anuška Ferligoj
The Use of Correspondence Analysis of Concatenated Tables in First Exploration of Data
Nino Rode
16.30 BREAK
17.00 Statistics in Economics         Chair: J. Rovan
Teaching Economic Statistics in a Digital Environment
Lea Bregar and Irena Ograjenšek
Testing Nonlinear Relationships Between Excess Rate of Return on Equity and Financial Ratios
Dušan Mramor and Marko Pahor
Statistical Quality Control in Quality Management Systems of Slovene Companies
Irena Ograjenšek
Offered by Tomaž Banovec, Director of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

TUESDAY, September 8, 1998
9.00 INVITED ADDRESS         Chair: A. Ferligoj
Event History Analysis of Interviewer and Respondent Survey Behavior
James M. Lepkowski, Justin Fisher, and Robert F. Belli
10.00 Methodology I.         Chair: J. M. Lepkowski
Technology Effects: Why takes a CAPI Interview Longer? Interviewer and Respondent Behavior in a CAPI and a PAPI Version of a Survey
Marek Fuchs
Respondents' Satisfaction in WWW Surveys
Zenel Batagelj, Katja Lozar, and Vasja Vehovar
11.00 BREAK
11.30 Methodology II.         Chair: J.M. Batista-Foguet
Computer Assisted Focus Group Interviews
Vanja Buvac
An MTMM-Approach to the Study of Values in Surveys
Hans Waege, Jaak Billiet, and Stefaan Pleysier
The Assessment and Testing of Psychological Constructs, Using Incomplete Data Patterns, Within an MTMM Approach
Brendan Bunting and Christine O'Loughlin
13.00 LUNCH
14.30 Methodology III.         Chair: B. Bunting
Attitude Strength and Response Stability of a Quasi Balanced Political Alienation Scale
Jaak Billiet, Marc Swyngedouw, and Hans Waege
Systematic Identification of Badly Worded Survey Questions
Tina Kogovšek
A Procedure for Estimating the Parameters of the Preference Response Model: OPTIMUM
Jànos Màth and Àkos Münnich
Studying Social Norms in Small Groups: A Perfect Setting for Applying Advanced Concordance Analysis
Gaj Vidmar and Matej Černigoj
16.30 BREAK
17.00 Reliability and Validity         Chair: J. Billiet
Assessment of Reliability when Test Items are not Essentially Tau-Equivalent
Gregor Sočan
The Effect of Respondent's Mood on the Reliability of Network Measurements
Valentina Hlebec and Anuška Ferligoj
Analyzing Content Validity in Program Evaluation from Generalizability Theory
Salvador Chacón Moscoso, José Antonio Pérez-Gil, and José López Ruiz
The Binomy of Exploratory Factor Analysis -- Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Construct Validity of Program Evaluation
José Antonio Pérez-Gil and Salvador Chacón Moscoso

WEDNESDAY, September 9, 1998
9.00 INVITED ADDRESS         Chair: A. Ferligoj
Inference in the Proportional Hazards Model
John O'Quigley
10.00 Statistics I.         Chair: J. O'Quigley
Behaviour of the Buckley and James Estimator under Misspecified Model
Janez Stare and Harald Heinzl
Collinearity, Heteroscedasticity and Outlier Diagnostics in Regression. Do They Always Offer What They Claim?
Germà Coenders and Marc Saez
11.00 BREAK
11.30 Statistics II.         Chair: H. Friedl
Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis Algorithms for Discrete Variables with Symmetric and Asymmetric Uncertainties
Dario Cziraky
Some Notes on Evaluating the Prediction Error for the Generalized Estimating Equations
Dario Gregori
Semi--Markov Models with an Application to Power--Plant Reliability Analysis
Mihael Perman, Andrej Senegačnik, and Matija Tuma
13.00 LUNCH
14.30 Biostatistics         Chair: J. Stare
Optimal Allocation for Composite Sample Design - Univariate Approach
Polona Kalan and Katarina Košmelj
Quality Assessment of the Statistical Land Cover/Use GIS of Slovenia-State'97
D. Šabić, E. H. Lojović, and A. Tretjak
The Effects of Measurement Errors in Diagnosing High Blood Pressure and in Analysing the Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Characteristic Variables of the Patients
Joan M. Batista-Foguet, Germà Coenders, and M. Artès Ferragut
Finding Information in Electrophysiological Data
Andrej Blejec
16.30 BREAK
17.00 Applications of Statistical Models         Chair: K. Košmelj
Evaluating Vehicle Interior Noise Quality with Statistical Models
Mushtaq Hussain, Herwig Friedl, and Hermann Katz
Dependence Models for Extremes of Dispersed Contaminants
S. Nadarajah
Quantification of Environmental Decisions within the Context of Conjoint Analysis
Lidija Zadnik Stirn and Leonarda Godler
18.30 Closing