Spostovani, V okviru SDRV seminarja bosta v sredo 17. maja, ob 13:00 oz. ob 14:15, v diplomski sobi na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko dve vabljeni predavanji: 13:00 **************************************************************************** * Real-Time Medical Image Analysis: From Dreams to (Virtual) Reality Milan Sonka, The University of Iowa, USA Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of death in the western world. A variety of medical imaging methods was developed to visualize cardiovascular system - X-ray angiography, ultrasound, MR, CT. The methodology for automated and real-time image analysis is quickly following understanding the needs to help treat as well as prevent further development of cardiovascular disease. The talk will concentrate on three cardiovascular applications in which imaging, quantification, and visualization in close-to-real time play an important role: Geometrically correct fusion of intravascular ultrasound and biplane angiography, analysis of left ventricular and left-atrial function from intracardiac ultrasound pullback sequences, and non-invasive assessment of cardiovascular system status via brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation approach. Interactive demonstrations as well as validation results will be presented. 14:15 **************************************************************************** * Fractal-Based Methods of Signal/Image Analysis and Compression Edward R. Vrscay, University of Waterloo, Canada Fractal image coding, normally performed in the spatial (pixel) domain, may be viewed as a kind of "self vector quantization" procedure in which codebook vectors are chosen from the image itself. In fractal coding, an image I is partitioned into a set of range blocks Ri. For each range block Ri of I, there is an associated (larger) domain block Dj(i) of I along with a typically affine greyscale mapping phii = alphai*t + betai which optimally maps the image supported on Ri onto the image supported on Dj(i). The domain block indices j(i) as well as the parameters alphai, betai comprise the fractal code of image I under the partition Ri. These parameters define a contractive fractal transform T whose fixed point I' is an approximation to I. The problem is to find the "best" such operator T. (Mathematically, this is the inverse problem of approximating elements of a metric space by fixed points of contractive operators on that space.) Fractal-wavelet coding seeks to perform such a "self VQ" procedure in the wavelet domain. In a matter analogous to spatial fractal coding, domain wavelet subtrees are mapped onto lower range wavelet subtrees. The strength of the fractal-wavelet transform lies in its ability to combine desirable features of fractal coding (scaling, local self-similarity) with those of wavelet transforms (multiresolution analysis and discrete wavelet transforms). For example, it is known that the geometric decay of wavelet coefficients in a given subtree is determined by the local regularity of the function. This decay is naturally measured by fractal coding. In this talk, aimed at a general audience, we shall outline the development of fractal coding from its early days, including original hopes, failures, advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we outline the results of more research: a simple hybrid fractal-wavelet coder that demonstrates extremely competitive compression characteristics in terms of rate-distortion curves (close to the best wavelet coders) with minimal computational cost. Admittedly, fractal compression on its own will probably never be a viable competitor to wavelet-based methods. Nevertheless, we continue to investigate the interesting question of whether or not fractal-based methods can be used to enhance wavelet compression methods. **************************************************************************** * Dodatne informacije in trenutni program seminarja dobite na: http://biprog.fe.uni-lj.si/Sdrv/seminar.htm Vljudno vabljeni, Bostjan Likar