Vlado / Photos


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  1. Preddvor 99
  2. Piran 98
  3. Preddvor 00
  4. MaS 2002: Methodology and statistics, Ljubljana,
  5. YS 2002: Seventh Austrian, Hungarian, Italian and Slovenian Meeting of Young Statisticians in Piran, Slovenia; Friday, Oct. 18th 2002 - Sunday, Oct. 20th 2002
  6. MaS 2003: Methodology and statistics, Ljubljana, Sept. 13th - 17th
  7. Skaručna: 2003
  8. Lyon: 2003
  9. YS 2003: : Eigth Austrian, Hungarian, Italian and Slovenian Meeting of Young Statisticians at Lake Balaton, Hungary; Oct. 17th - 19th 2003
  10. Sunbelt 2004: XXIV International Sunbelt Social Network Conference; Portorož, Slovenia, May 12 - 16, 2004
  11. Ars Electronica 2004 / Language of Networks: Linz, Austria, September 1-7, 2004
  12. YS 2004: : 9th Austrian, Hungarian, Italian and Slovenian Meeting of Young Statisticians
  13. FAS: 2005
  14. Ljubljana: Novo Leto / New Year 2006
  15. IFCS 2006: 10h Jubilee Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 25 - 29, 2006
  16. ECPR 2006: European Consortium for Political Research Summer School in Methods and Techniques at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, August 7 - 18, 2006
  17. AS 2006: Applied Statistics, Ribno, September 17 - 20, 2006
  18. Hevreka: 2006
  19. 40. obletnica mature: 15. junij 2007
  20. Matura iz Informatike 2007: 16. junij 2007
  21. AS 2007: Applied Statistics, Ribno, September 23 - 26, 2007
  22. YSM 2007: Twelfth Austrian, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian and Slovenian Meeting of Young Statisticians in Piran, Slovenia; Friday, Oct. 19th 2007 - Sunday, Oct. 21th 2007
  23. Matura iz Informatike 2008: 7. junij 2008
  24. YSM 2008: Thirtinth Austrian, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian and Slovenian Meeting of Young Statisticians in Balatonfured, Hungary; Friday, Oct. 17th 2008 - Sunday, Oct. 19th 2008
  25. Tomo 60 let: 2009
  26. 10 let: 2012
  27. IFCS 2015: Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies,
  28. maj-junij: 2003
  29. Lyon: 2009
  30. 10 let: 2009
  31. Sunbelt 36: wine tasting, Steve 60: 20**
  32. ***: 20**
