Program Islands (for Windows) programmed by Matjaz Zaversnik algorithms by Matjaz Zaversnik and Vladimir Batagelj University of Ljubljana, FMF, dept. of mathematics version: July 2004 URL: Usage: islands - type of the algorithm (vert or edge) - filename of the .net file - minimal island size (default: 1 for vertex islands, 2 for edge islands) - maximal island size (default: number of vertices of the network) - type of islands: 0 for general, 1 for simple islands (default: 0) In case of vertex islands we have to provide additional file (vector of values of vertices). The file must have the same name as the .net file and extension .vec The result (partitioning) is written to the .clu file. For example islands vert 1 300 + patents.vec islands edge 2 300 1 The islands algorithms are also implemented in program Pajek ------------------------------------------------------- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License: